Setup a Surveillance Station on 2 different LAN networks

Currently I installed a Synology NAS at my home, but I need another one to setup at my hometown (300 kilometers away) so that I can helped my parent to monitor their premises. Instead of spending on 2 Synology Disk Stations, I just stick with one, but connect to my parent’s house CCTV and grab all the live content and recording it down into my NAS.

But we need to make sure a couple of things are working now before we link all the CCTVs at a single NAS.

  1. My parent’s CCTVs support port forwarding access
  2. My parent’s router can support external access
  3. My parent’s router support dynamic DNS.
  4. Setup a free domain


If (1) and (2) are OK, then the next important step is to setup a free domain at let’s say we setup, update your router’s DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) settings so that each time your router reboot, it will notify server on it’s latest IP address, so that when you access, you would get the latest IP address.

The next thing is to setup port forwarding for your CCTV, let’s say we already setup port 8000 for external source to access the CCTV, then you should fill up the information like below,


The Synology Surveillance Station is good enough to stream the CCTV content across internet. Physically your CCTVs can be at 2 or more different locations, but virtually you are keeping all the video recording at a single NAS.

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